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New Saint Andrews College

New Saint Andrews College


Product Description

new saint andrewsNew Saint Andrews College is committed to the lordship of Jesus Christ over all things. We provide a rigorous liberal arts education in the classical Christian tradition in the context of real Christian community. Our purpose is to graduate leaders in all walks of life who are eager to shape culture through wise and victorious Christian living. We are thoroughly Trinitarian, solidly Protestant and Reformed, and robustly evangelical.


A Liberal Arts Education
New Saint Andrews College is a Christian college teaching the liberal arts that have grown out of the classical and Christian traditions. This is the education of the free man, taught by free men, useful in our mission to lead all of creation to worship the triune God in spirit and in truth.

In the classical age, the liberal arts education began with a preparatory training organized around a curriculum such as the Trivium (grammar, logic/dialectic, and rhetoric). The education then moved on to advanced studies, as represented by curricula such as the Quadrivium (arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy).

The liberal arts are tools to teach critical thinking – the rigorous process of making distinctions, recognizing logical fallacies, and careful argumentation. They demand integration, the ability to move from part to whole and back again to part; to move back and forth between both breadth and depth. They require skillfulness with words, arguments, and stories – not merely the ability to communicate clearly, but the ability to be persuasive, humorous, offensive, and innocuous – to teach and delight with the word and to be taught and delighted by the same. The liberal arts combine the best of the contemplative life with the life of the active creator, emphasizing doing and making as much as thinking and receiving, as they cultivate truth, goodness, and beauty.

New Saint Andrews is one of the least expensive private colleges in the country. The College’s tuition is less than half of the average private college tuition and it allows freshmen to lock in future tuition payments at their first-year rate. To preserve its religious freedom New Saint Andrews does not participate in the Federal Student Aid program, but the College does offer a variety of scholarships and grants.

To protect the religious integrity and freedom of our Christian institution, the College does not participate, on principle, with any government-sponsored financial aid programs. Instead, a private scholarship organization is available to provide assistance to needy and deserving students. Students may also apply for private student loans through the links at the bottom of the page.

All students seeking any type of financial assistance should begin with the scholarship application listed below. While a limited number of scholarship requests for the graduate program may be considered, most of the listed scholarships apply to the undergraduate program only.

Initial scholarship application deadline is February 1. Late applications will be considered if funds are available.

The College uses the CSS Profile through College Board to process all needs-based financial requests. For that scholarship, click here, and use code 3855, or search for New Saint Andrews College by name.

All returning students will also need to send us a letter of recommendation from a local community member.